Where can I find iHeartpizzas?
iHeartpizzas are available online via our website. Currently we deliver to addresses in the following provinces in the Netherlands:
- Noord-Holland
- Zuid-Holland
- Utrecht
- Flevoland
- Gelderland
- Noord-Brabant
- Noord-Holland
- Zuid-Holland
- Utrecht
- Flevoland
- Gelderland
- Noord-Brabant
I would love to try out iHeartpizza, but I live in another province then mentioned above, what now?
No worries, we plan on expanding soon. In the meantime please sign up via our website so that, when we do, you will be the first one to know. Also, keep an eye on our social media. We will be organising special delivery days to cities all over the Netherlands.
How should I prepare an iHeartpizza?
Leave the pizza to defrost at room temperature (minimum of 30 minutes). Pre-heat the oven to 220C and bake the pizza for 12-14 minutes (cooking time may vary depending on the type of oven.
Do iHeartpizza’s contain dairy?
No, our pizza’s are 100% plantbased
I am lactose intolorant. Can I eat iHeartpizza?
Yes, all our pizza’s are free from dairy and therefore free from lactose.
Do iHeartpizza’s contain any animal products?
No, our pizza’s are 100% plantbased
Do iHeartpizza’s contain genetically modified ingredients?
No, all ingredients are GMO-free
Do iHeartpizza’s contain aromas of animal origin?
(Certain aromas [meat, fish, cheese, or butter aromas] are manufactured based on animal fats.)
No, the aroma ingredients of iHeartpizza products consist of 100% non-animal origin ingredients.